
We’re extremely excited to reveal that our League of Legends season has officially become the GAME National Championship. Bringing GAME on board as our first ever title sponsor is a special moment in the NUEL’s history. We’ve been searching for a sponsor that cares about UK esports, will benefit the university community and is a brand you as a community would be proud to be partnered with. We feel with GAME’s commitment to UK esports and being a UK based games retailer local to your university, there is massive amount of opportunity for supporting the NUEL community in the long term.

Obviously this provides a massive amount of benefit to us as an organisation, too. We’ve seen a terrific amount of growth over the past few years. Two seasons ago we grew from 16 to over 100 teams; this season we have over 350 teams playing in League, combined with the 64 teams competing in CS:GO and over 200 players registered for Hearthstone… that’s a lot of people!

We’re truly thankful for your support and it’s great to see so many familiar faces now at events. As you can imagine, this is starting to cost quite a bit to run. We’ve been financing the NUEL from personal savings and small grants from university enterprise support. This commitment is equally matched with the number of hours our volunteer staff dedicate to making the tournament happen- some do NUEL as a full time job without pay. Unfortunately this isn’t sustainable for the long term future of the NUEL. We don’t want to be millionaires, we want NUEL to be successful. Of course we need money to pay the bills, but more importantly we want to improve the experience we can give you all and be able to – one day – create careers for upcoming talent in esports. This deal goes some way to making that happen, we’re going to be exploring other ways which we can earn money and ensure that we do so in a manner which has a positive impact on you and adds more value to your NUEL experience. We won’t become sell outs. As ever, your input on this is very much welcomed!

We hope you’re as excited as we are about working closely with GAME for this season; if you’ve got any comments then feel free to let us know!